1. Doomsday
2. Thou Shall Kill
3. Zombie Executioner
4. The Edge Of The Hatchet
5. Bled To Death
6. Resurrection Of The Rotten
7. As The Blade Turns
8. The Evil Eye
9. In A Vacant Grave
10. Ghosts Of The Undead
“I don’t think I’ve been too pissed off – it’s just the usual me,” Six Feet Under main man Chris Barnes asserts with his snaggle-toothed grin. Of course he’s referring to the band’s latest slab of death, doom and destruction dubbed Commandment, a self-assuring statement of sorts and one that sees Barnes and Co. raising the ante in the realm of extreme underground metal.
Commandment’s goal is straight-forward in nature, somewhat less experimental than previous efforts, Six Feet Under twisting the knife slowly with such memorable new agitating anthems as ‘Doomsday’, ‘The Edge Of The Hatchet’, ‘As The Blade Turns’ and the ultimate statement ‘Thou Shall Kill’. Commandment lives with a bludgeoning death metal undercurrent while laying down the band’s patented pulsating groove.
Metal Blade Records item #146132
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