01. Arbiters of the Apocalypse
02. Theatre of Horror
03. Monolithic Ignorance
04. Crumbling Imperium
05. Communion
06. The Exaltation
07. Profanum Vulgus
08. Copernican Heresy
09. Only the Spineless Survive
10. Cleaving Giants of Ice
11. Altar of Sacrifice
Having delivered five killer albums boasting some of the most potent, technical and abrasive metal unleashed over the last decade, it would be easy for Revocation to sit back and rest upon their laurels. However, with their constant drive to push their sound ever forward and refusal to compromise their integrity, this could never be the case – and Great Is Our Sin is their most dynamic, boundary-pushing and weighty release to date. For vocalist/guitarist Dave Davidson, the goal has never been about trying to please others. “Thinking critically about my own style and being self-motivated has had a very strong impact on me as a musician and songwriter. We try not to think too much about extraneous forces when we’re writing so we can focus on creating music for ourselves first and foremost.”
Metal Blade Records Item #154572
Code: Revo-Sin-16
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