1.God Was Created (Vehemence)
2.Chunk Blower (Cattle Decapitation)
3.Monster (Engine)
4.I Don’t Need (Engine)
5.Master Of Disguise (Lizzy Borden)
6.Pay Dirt (Armored Saint)
7.Madhouse (Armored Saint)
8.Stripped, Raped, And Stragled (Cannibal Corpse)
9.A Skull Full Of Maggots (Cannibal Corpse)
12 Tracks including Cannibal Corpse, Armored Saint, Engine, Lizzy Borden, Cattle Decapitation, and Vehemence.
This DVD/CD package chronicles the Metal Blade Records 20th Anniversary party, which took place live on December 4th, 2002 in Hollywood, CA. Features Cannibal Corpse, Armored Saint, Lizzy Borden, and more.
Metal Blade Records item #340369
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