01. Poisonous Existence in Reawakening
02. Unraveling Paradise
03. Baring Teeth for Revolt
04. Reanimated Sacrifice
05. Heaven’s Crumbling Walls of Pity
06. Cold Earth Consumed in Dying Flesh
07. FBS
08. Nocturnal Conjuration of the Accursed
09. Schadenfreude
10. Externalize This Hidden Savagery
From the combatant onset of “Poisonous Existence In Reawakening,” and the tense, hammering momentum of “Unraveling Paradise,” to the punkish urgency of “FBS” and the fiendish cascades of “Schadenfreude” (literally meaning the pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others), Goatwhore spew their unadulterated, subterranean metal as channeled through the historic likes of Motörhead and Bathory, with the insatiable hunger of a pack of wild boars. These are true requiems of revolt, at once predatory, epic, hate-fueled and sadistic. Due at least in part to the sheer synergy that comes from living in a van together for weeks on end, “Constricting Rage Of The Merciless” is razor sharp in musicianship literally writhing beneath the weight of its own sonic enormity. Duet’s thick, gnarled guitar tones and bestial vocal accents coil seamlessly around Simmons’ and Harvey’s, brash, chest-heaving rhythms. It’s all punctuated by the imposing voice and cynical prose of Falgoust who literally ran laps around the studio before taking to the mic to summon a more frantic, rasping edge to his signature tirades, now more enunciated than ever before. When Falgoust howls, “WE ARE COMING TO SMASH YOUR IDOLS!” (in traditional metal rager “Baring Teeth For Revolt”), souls weaken, forests die, planets implode. In a saturated metal landscape where sub-genres spawn sub-sub-genres and the very definition of “metal” seems repeatedly distorted by cross-pollinating madness, sacred are the bands who to stay true to their proverbial roots without repeating them.
Metal Blade Records item #153232
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