1. Illusions (Re-Recorded)
2. The Beginning (Re-Recorded)
3. Reinvention (Re-Recorded)
4. The Pain Of Separation (Re-Recorded)
5. Forever (Re-Recorded)
6. Beneath The Encasing Of Ashes
7. Torn Within
8. Forced To Die
9. A Breath In The Eyes Of Eternity
10. Blood Turned To Tears
11. The Voices That Betray Me
12. When This World Fades
13. A Long March
14. Surrounded
15. Refined By Your Embrace
16. The Innocence Spilled
17. Behind Me Lies Another Fallen Soldier
18. Illusions
19. The Beginning
20. Reinvention
21. The Pain Of Separation
22. Forever
This 22-track compilation traces the sonic development of As I Lay Dying. A LONG MARCH incorporates early tracks from the band’s first year of existence, an EP recorded one year later in 2002, and new versions of tracks from that EP specifically rerecorded for this release. While the band sounds tougher, and has clearly benefited from the increased production values provided by its success, AILD were blistering and ferocious from day one, as evidenced by the equally searing original and revamped versions of tracks like “Illusions,” “Forever,” and “Reinvention.”
Metal Blade Records item #145722
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