01. Cosmic Maelstrom
02. Purple Tide
03. Enter the Mancubus
04. Atlas
05. Comatose
06. Profeta Paloma
07. Zángano
08. Le Soupir du Fantôme
“Necromechanical baroque”, that is the province of Cult Of Lilith. A frantic collision of death metal, prog, complex classical structures and any other style they wish to incorporate, their debut album, ‘Mara’, is a restless, constantly shifting collection that is as imaginative as it is compulsive. “The intention was always to write a diverse record with a lot of different influences melded together in an extreme metal package,” states guitarist Daniel Þór Hannesson. “We wanted the album to be a journey that never becomes stagnant and that keeps the listener engaged the whole way through. It is important to us as a band to not lock ourselves in a box and always keep options in diversity.”
Metal Blade Records Item #157192
Code: CultOfLilith-Mara-2020
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